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Employment Law Resources

Many employment matters can be handled on your own, however some issues are particularly tricky and will require some legal expertise. Even the most conscientious employer occasionally needs help from a lawyer. Employment law can change rapidly so don’t rely on what you know from a previous experience. Here are some examples that you may want to seek legal advice.

  • The employee recently filed a complaint or claim with a government agency, or complained to you of illegal or unethical activity in the workplace.
  • The employee recently filed a complaint of discrimination or harassment.
  • The employee recently revealed that he or she is in a protected class — for example, the employee is pregnant, has a disability, or practices a particular religion.
  • You are concerned about the worker’s potential for violence, vandalism, or sabotage.
  • The employee denies committing the acts for which you are firing him or her, even after an investigation.


There are also other reasons that you may wish to consult with a lawyer. You may also wish to have a lawyer review any employment decision that will affect a large number of employees. For example, if you are planning to lay off some workers, change your pension plan, or discontinue an employee benefit, it would be smart to run your plans by a lawyer before you take action. The lawyer can tell you about any potential legal pitfalls you might be facing and give you advice on avoiding them.

A lawyer can quickly review and troubleshoot employment-type agreements, such as employment contracts, severance agreements, or releases. A lawyer can check your contracts to make sure that they contain all the necessary legal terms. If you have included any language that might cause problems later, or if you have gone beyond what the law requires of you, a lawyer can draw these issues to your attention.

You can also ask a lawyer to give your employee handbook or personnel policies a thorough legal review. First and foremost, a lawyer can make sure that your policies don’t violate laws regarding overtime pay, family leave, final paychecks, or occupational safety and health, to name a few.

Two firms that handle employment law are:

BrazeauSeller.LLP offers other areas of practice for businesses such as tax and estate planning, commercial real estate, litigation and many other corporate and commercial law matters.

